
Transport Infrastructure
Transport Infrastructure is important sector in developing countries like India. Prayukti has provided environmental supports to several projects funded by national and international funding agencies.

Wash (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene)
WASH is a tool to improve public health issues and it is related to SDG 6. Prayukti has a strong team to provide services in this sector.

Building and Area Development
The real estate market was typically not the preserve of most environmental regulators. But that has changed as countries strive to address environmental challenges in sectors such as this. The LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification process has been at the vanguard in this sector driving environmental regulatory changes.

Metallurgical Industry
In India, Metallurgical industries can be classified into various sub-industries such as aluminium, Copper, lead, iron, zinc, steel etc. As per the recent Industrial scenario, steel and aluminium industries are performing well in global markets. As per the report, Indian exports and imports of finished steel stands at 10.79 MT and 4.75 MT, respectively, in FY21. Market size of Steel sector has been increasing rapidly.

Prayukti has been involved with this core industry in different stages and types of mining and steelmaking operations. The environmental advances in this sector have laid the foundations for particulate abatement and combustion gas control in other sectors.
Most mining and steelmaking operations still have considerable regulatory compliance challenges that require professional help.

Renewable energy is the future of India. It has helped us to fight against global warming and climate change. Gradually, renewable energy sector is expanding its wings. Both common people and industry have understood the importance of renewable energy. India is the emerging leader in this sector.
Offered Services:
- Green Building
- Energy Audit
- Energy Advisory
- Impact assessment
- Monitoring & Evaluation

Sustainable Development
Sustainable development means developing cities, land, businesses, and communities to meet the needs of the present, without effecting future generations’ ability to meet their needs. The environment underpins each of the SDG’s – they seek to improve living conditions for all, without increasing the use of natural resources. The SDG’s work to protect the planet’s resilience for our future generations.
Sustainable Development is a global challenge requires goals to improve the humanitarian needs, actions, climate crisis, health, zero hunger, infrastructure, energy efficient.
On the basis of SDG our team focuses on the following work aspects:
- Monitoring and Evaluation- Environmental solutions, climate crisis, humanitarian needs.
- Technical Solutions- Appropriate technological interventions.
- Climate based initiatives- strategic planning, management.